The articles


"You can have the best strategy and building in the world. But if you don't win the hearts and minds of those who work with you, none of it will come true" - Rene West, President of the Luxor and Excalibur Hotel.

Our company and I agree a hundred percent with this statement. Why? Well, let's go in order.

We spend most of our time at work. Working time is 8 hours, half of our allotted 16, not including 8 hours of sleep. We have about 8 hours left for communication with the family, everyday life, and hobbies. I am sure you feel how much of your life is at work. Most people are horrified by these statistics, so our task is to hire people who love what they do and create all the necessary conditions for employee comfort. A satisfied employee means a good product, which means a happy customer. The formula is straightforward.

But what does "comfort conditions" mean? What are they? Is it a comfortable chair, the best technology, the most elite coffee beans, and a hundred kilograms of biscuits of various kinds? This undoubtedly has weight, but can a person be content only with material goods? Is that enough for him? The whole charm of modern society is that we need more than this for us. Therefore, creating the right atmosphere in the office or, more precisely, the company's culture is essential.

Now the corporate culture is one of the critical factors for an employee's successful and productive work, because it is always nice to understand that you are taken care of not only as an employee but also as a person. Therefore, in our company, we are all open to each other. We value honesty, mutual assistance, and empathy.

We provide this and much more to our employees because it is essential for a person. But what is crucial for me as a recruiter and our company when choosing the right candidate for a job?

    • As for any employer, a person's practical knowledge and professionalism are essential to us, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.


    • As I pointed out above, the atmosphere in the company is essential to us, and it is just the employees who create it, so it is necessary to get to know the person closer at the interview to find out his values, his motivation, his hobbies, and tastes. We are always happy to help a person develop professionally. Unfortunately, it is more challenging to do this with personal qualities. “At work, everything is like in life: people just have to fit each other” - Svetlana Ivanova “The Art of Recruitment.”


    • Desire and commitment to learning. The IT industry is developing rapidly, so you must absorb new information to stay afloat constantly.


    • Knowledge of English. We need to keep a clear connection with our clients, so a developer needs to know the language to understand how to improve the product he is working on.


    • Interest and love for what you do. This is an important point because a person who does not enjoy his work is unhappy (remember how much time we spend at work)—an unhappy employee = a toxic employee.


This is only a tiny part of the backstage of our company, but very important. Each employee for us is not just an employee but a company friend. So, I'd like to select new people for our team with trepidation and attention.
“We will teach good people to work, but we will not let bad people” - Yaroslav Krutikov, director of UFO Engineering.